Your oral care routine is probably so firmly rooted in your morning and nighttime routines that you can do it half asleep. But have you ever thought to add to brushing and flossing? Mouthwash is an effective addition to your oral care routine. Your Honolulu, HI dentist, Dr. mouth washStephanie Wong, can help you understand how mouthwash works and the best way to work it into your morning and nighttime routines.

Should I add mouthwash to my oral care routine? 
Mouthwash is often misunderstood. Though mouthwash is not necessary, and is certainly not as important as brushing or flossing, using a fluoride mouthwash does decrease the chance of tooth decay. However, the benefits of mouthwash are not felt unless it is used correctly. You should swish and gargle for at least 45 seconds to reap the benefits. Additionally, use the recommended amount of mouthwash indicated on the bottle and be sure not to swallow it afterward.

What should my oral care routine consist of? 
Regardless of if you use mouthwash, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss them once. There is an ongoing argument when it comes to whether to use mouthwash before or after you brush. The final choice is up to you. However, if you choose to use mouthwash after you brush, do not rinse with water afterward. This gives the mouthwash extra time to work. Lastly, do not forget to utilize the greatest tool in your oral care arsenal: your Honolulu dentist.

How can my dentist help? 
Schedule examinations and cleanings twice a year to ensure the healthiest mouth possible. This gives your dentist the chance to catch problems early. Treating the earliest signs of decay or gum disease is much less complex than treating these problems after they have become advanced. Additionally, biannual cleanings keep plaque and tartar off your teeth. This means that decay and gum disease causing plaque and tartar do not have the chance to grow in the first place, lowering the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

For more information on oral care routines or regular dental examinations or cleanings, please contact Dr. Stephanie Wong, DMD in Honolulu, HI. Call (808) 732-3072 to schedule your appointment today!

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